Sample of Works

In the following pages, I have collected some designs of relevant projects developed during my career. 

Below a brief career summary.

Date: Mar 2017 – Present

Associate Engineer at “RPS Group” consultant. Relevant design activities performed in the aviation sector.

Date: Jun 2013 – Mar 2017

Senior engineer at “ADR Engineering s.r.l” consultant. Relevant design activities performed in the aviation sector.

Date: Jan 2001 – Jan 2013

CEO and Technical Director at “SET s.r.l.” consultant. Relevant design activities performed in the electrical, mechanical and aviation sector.

Date: Jun 1998 – Dec 2000

Independent contractor. Relevant design activities performed in the electrical and mechanical sector.

Date: May 1994 – Jun 1998

Engineer and Technical Director at “Marchetti Elettroimpianti s.r.l.” electrical contractor. Relevant design activities performed in the electrical sector.