
Coordination between “ILS”, “PAPI”, “Aiming Point” In this section, I would try to explain something about coordination between “ILS”, “PAPI”, “Aiming Point”. Runway Category I, Category II, Category III, are all runways with an Instrumental Precision Approach. Therefore the three different systems: “ILS”, “PAPI” and the horizontal signs “Aiming Point” […]

Coordination between “ILS”, “PAPI”, “Aiming Point”

AGL Loads Calculation One day someone asked me about electrical calculation for the “AGL” – Airfield Ground Lighting. I didn’t know what answer immediately. Therefore, as usual, I started my own search about electrical calculation for the AGL in order to understand as much as possible and explain the argument […]

AGL Loads Calculation

One of my first project at Fiumicino Airport was the improvement of the RWY 34L Holding Bay. I and my colleague Alessandro Allegrucci had to develop two new holding position for aircraft ICAO category “F” (Airbus A380). One of the problem was find the right position for the “RGL” Runway […]

“RGL” Runway Guard Lights installation