Runway 16L/34R renovation – Fiumicino (RM) Italy

Score, another one in my career.

I worked as AGL specialist “Works Supervisor” for the renovation of the runway 16L/34R in Fiumicino Airport (Rome) Italy.
All the works consisted in:

  • renovation of whole pavement of the taxiway “Delta”:
  • renovation of whole the AGL of the Taxiway “Delta” including:
    • center line LED lights
    • edge reflector blu signals
    • Red Bar LED Lights
    • LED lights Signs
  • renovation of whole pavement of the Runway 16L/34R
  • renovation of whole the AGL of the Runway including:
    • center line LED lights
    • edge LED lights
    • Stop Bar LED lights
    • Lead-In LED lights
    • RGL (Runway Guard Lights) LED lights
    • Antintrusione sensors
    • RETIL (Rapid Exit Taxiway Indicator Lights) LED lights
    • Taxiway centre line LED lights on runway
    • LED lights Signs

Obviously I was the Warks Supervisor for the AGL System and electrical system in general. The Works Supervisor for the Pavimentation was a friend of mine.

Numbers of Works

Total Cost:                                                  1,758,000.00 Euros (Civil and Electrica)
Cost of Civil works:
Cost of AGL and Electrica works:
Role:                                                            Works Supervision for AGL and Electrical System
Works Cost:                                                on budget
Delivering:                                                   on time 9 months (works 2015)


Year-2015-Runway 16L_34R renovation-Img001Taxiway “Delta” – Pavement refurbishment

Year-2015-Runway 16L_34R renovation-Img003Example of inset conduit for elevated signal.

Year-2015-Runway 16L_34R renovation-Img002Detail of inset conduit for elevated signal

Year-2015-Runway 16L_34R renovation-Img005Installation example of inset signal

Year-2015-Runway 16L_34R renovation-Img004Installation deatail of inset signal

Year-2015-Runway 16L_34R renovation-Img006That’s me with the Runway 16L PAPI system on the right side.
You can see the PAPI system aligned on two different rows. That’s because, the external pair of PAPI are installed in a different altitude, compared to the pair of PAPI more close to the runway.

This is the first landing after the runway 16L/34R refurbishment.

Year-2015-Runway 16L_34R renovation-Film001

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